Located on the slopes of the Monte del Caballo Verde, white among green pine trees, it presides over and protects, according to popular devotion beliefs, the municipal district from hail and plagues. There is, in a neogothic altarpiece of some interest, the image of the patron saint of Murla, accompanied by those of San Roque and San Antonio ‘del Porquet’. Its origin, documented since the end of the 16th century, possibly dates back to the 14th century, when the ravages of the plague caused the devotion to Saint Sebastian to spread throughout Christendom, protector against all these evils, most commonly in the form of hermitages. located in elevated places to protect the populations of the valley.

Its architecture is simple: a barrel vault with two transverse arches and exterior buttresses attached to the wall. The restoration carried out in recent years, served to add a belfry on top of the imafronte where a bell loops donated by the parish of Santos Juanes in the city of Valencia. The hermitage has access for cars through a local road. The population celebrates the festivity on January 20 with a pilgrimage -a year forming rumps on mules- and today with mass, country lunches and celebrations on the esplanade next to the hermitage with great popular flavor.