Holy Week – Easter

Holy Week – Easter

The whole of the celebrations of Easter is adjusted to the national liturgical calendar. The festivities begin on Palm Sunday with the procession and blessing of bouquets and the High Mass. On Wednesday the ‘Salpassa’ is celebrated, possibly the only municipality in...

Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

San Sebastián exercises its patronage over the Villa de Murla. Lawyer against the plague and protector against inclement weather, he has his hermitage at the foot of Mount Caballo Verde from where the population is dominated. Possibly it dates back to the end of the...

San Miguel

San Miguel

San Miguel Arcángel, head of the Murla parish temple, celebrates his festival on the Saturday after his liturgical feast on September 29. It has always been a municipal festival paid for by the City Council that once celebrated with three days of 'bous al carrer'. The...



It is celebrated with the customary solemnity on each of the days marked by the liturgy and always with the accompaniment of popular Christmas carols performed by the Parish Choir, zealous to preserve that tradition that is preserved intact in Murla.    ...

The Divine Aurora

The Divine Aurora

La processó de la Divina Aurora, en la nit del dia 5 d'agost, és una de les majors solemnitats de les Festes Patronals. La nova imatge de la Patrona, portada a coll de ‘el Bru Barber’, Fernando ‘Muchacho’, Crespo i Juan de Fernandet, en la part davantera de les andes,...