It is possibly one of the most typical and popular corners of the population. Meeting place for young people at different times of the day: at dusk on hot summer days, in the cool late at night when returning from night out …

A large bank of polished stones by force of being used as a seat, saw its future in danger when in the remodeling of the square carried out at the end of the millennium, the peons began their demolition without thinking that they were carrying out a very serious attack against the patrimony that the ladies of the neighborhood knew how to stop in time.

Located next to the wall of the house-abbey, it has always been the place of posters and bands, of advertisement and publicity of the parochial cinema, of appointment, leisure and rest in front of the main square of the town. Everyone, young and old, natives and visitors, Spanish and foreigners, know what the ‘rajolat’ means in the daily life of Murla.