
  • 1kg of flour.
  • 2 glasses of warm water.
  • 1 glass of oil.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • 50 gr. yeast.


  • The flour is put in a bowl and the yeast is added (previously undone), the two glasses of water, the oil and the salt and it is kneaded until the dough does not stick.
  • When the dough is ready, round balls the size of a lemon are made. The dough balls are placed on a smooth surface covered with a white linen cloth and separated from each other by 10 to 15 cm. We cover them with a blanket for about 15-20 min. until the dough swells.
  • We place the balls of pasta in oven trays greased with oil and press them to get them to have a circle shape with thicker edges. We add a little oil on the coca and mix whatever we want (salted, ratatouille, sausage etc.).
  • They are put in the oven until the pasta is baked. It is preferable to cook them in a wood oven, if so, it is necessary to grill and separate the embers on the sides and the trays will be placed in the middle of the oven.